H2020 Drive2TheFuture project - Questionnaire on the transport of future - automated vehicles

Since May 2019, our faculty has been part of the Drive2TheFuture project consortium, as a third party for Eurnex association. 

This project is supported in the frame of H2020, the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation. The project aims to prepare “drivers”, travellers and vehicle operators of the future to accept and use connected, cooperative and automated transport modes and the industry of these technologies to understand and meet their needs and wants.

Why is the word "driver" in quotes? Because in the future the "driver" will not have to sit directly in the vehicle. The means of transport of the future will be able to be controlled by dispatchers from the central office, or the vehicle will be driven and controled solely on the prescribed route, various automation and optimization algorithms, data from a number of sensors...

We would like to invite you to express your opinion on traveling in the future.
By participating in this survey, you can help us better understand your travel preferences.

Clicking on this link you will access your language version of the questionnaire.
