Spend your summer in South Korea

Do not hesitate and apply for 2-months practical stage at Keimyung College University (KMCU) and  Yeungjin College (YJC) in Daegu, South Korea. During your stay , financed by the grant from EU - ICI Korea SMILES project (up to 1500 EUR for transport , 2000,- EUR for subsistence ), four selected students will be given possibility to learn at KMCU the basics of Korean language, learn about the Korean culture and customs and undergo practical training in the labs of YJC. The activity will take place from 26.6. till 20.8.2016. The necessary conditions for successful application are:statute of  FRI ŽU student,  good knowledge of English, availability to help during the reciprocial stay of Korean students in Zilina in June 2016. Request for further information and/or application with your name, information on study year, specialisation, English language study/certificates, earlier study or practical mobility send till 28.3.2016 to peter.fabian@fri.uniza.sk       
