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Školský rok: 2016 / 2017 | 2017 / 2018 | 2018 / 2019

Calendar for selected events in ICS format (for Thunderbird, Outlook, Google, ...)

Školský rok: 2017 / 2018
01.09.2017 Start of academic year 2017/18
21.09.2017 Start of preparatory course for newcomers to bachelor study
25.09.2017 Start of the first semester (winter semester) of academic year.
22.12.2017 End of teaching period of the first semester
08.01.2018 Start of exam period of the first semester
19.02.2018 Start of the second semester (summer semester) of academic year.
31.03.2018 Deadline for application for bachelor and master study for next academic year
18.05.2018 End of teaching period in the second semester
21.05.2018 Start of exam period of the second semester
07.06.2018 Admission exam for master study
12.06.2018 - 13.06.2018 State exams of bachelor and master study
14.06.2018 Admission exam for bachelor study
15.06.2018 - 20.06.2018 State exams of bachelor and master study
29.06.2018 Graduation of bachelor study students
03.07.2018 - 04.07.2018 Enrollment of new student of bachelor study 
13.07.2018 End of exam period of the second semester
14.07.2018 Anniversary of faculty founding - 28th.
01.09.2018 Start of academic year 2018/19