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Školský rok: 2023 / 2024 | 2024 / 2025 | 2025 / 2026

Calendar for selected events in ICS format (for Thunderbird, Outlook, Google, ...)

Školský rok: 2024 / 2025
01.09.2024 Beginning of academic year 2024/2025.
02.09.2024 Enrolment for doctoral studies
06.09.2024 Deadline for submission of written theses for the dissertation examination of full-time doctoral students
12.09.2024 Registration Day for students of 2nd and 3rd year of Bachelor´s degree.
18.09.2024 Preparation of the "Doctoral student's individual study plan" by the supervisors
19.09.2024 Introduction Day for new students of Bachelor´s degree.
23.09.2024 Beginning of courses in winter semester 2024/2025.
23.09.2024 - 27.09.2024 Enrollement of optional courses for new students done electronically via online student information system.
20.10.2024 Deadline for submitting the applications for Erasmus+ Outgoing mobilities for summer semester 2024/2025
21.10.2024 - 25.10.2024 Dissertation examinations of full-time PhD students (subject Dissertation Project 3) and examinations of full-time PhD students in the "Subject of Specialization
31.10.2024 "Deadline for registration of the theses (Bachelor´s and Master´s degree) electronically in the system ""Final Theses""."
31.10.2024 Deadline for applications for the Final Exams in winter semester.
04.11.2024 - 08.11.2024 Registration for the Presentation Days of Doctoral Students - full-time doctoral students - subject Dissertation Project 1
04.11.2024 - 08.11.2024 Registration for the Presentation Days of Doctoral Students - External Doctoral Students - subjects Dissertation Project 2, Dissertation Project 4
25.11.2024 - 26.11.2024 Presentation days for PhD students - full-time PhD students - public debate in the departments within the subject Dissertation Project 1
25.11.2024 Deadline for submitting of the theses to the thesis supervisor for Final Exams in winter semester.
27.11.2024 - 28.11.2024 Presentation days for PhD students - external PhD students - public debate at the faculty within the subjects Dissertation Project 2 and Dissertation Project 4
05.12.2024 Handing in the hardbound theses at the Student Administration Office for Final Exams in winter semester.
09.12.2024 - 13.12.2024 Registration for state examinations in mandatory subjects of doctoral studies
18.12.2024 Publishing of the schedule for Final Exams in winter semester.
20.12.2024 End of courses in winter semester.
23.12.2024 - 06.01.2025 Doctoral students' holidays
07.01.2025 Beginning of exam period in winter semester.
07.01.2025 Deadline for completion of Year 2 Master´s studies and Year 3 Bachelor´s studies (application forms to be sent to the Student Admininstration Office via email).
13.01.2025 - 17.01.2025 Registration for Doctoral Students' Presentation Days - full-time doctoral students, external doctoral students - subject Dissertation Project 5
15.01.2025 - 16.01.2025 Final Exams in winter semester.
27.01.2025 - 31.01.2025 State examinations from mandatory subjects for the dissertation examination
31.01.2025 Call for supervisors to announce dissertation topics for the academic year 2025/2026
31.01.2025 Submission of a substantial part of the dissertation to the supervisor - full-time doctoral students, external doctoral students - for the subject Dissertation Project 5
05.02.2025 - 12.02.2025 Presentations of the projects for Master´s degree students.
13.02.2025 Changes of elective and optional subjects done electronically in online student information system.
14.02.2025 Faculty Open Day.
14.02.2025 End of exam period in winter semester.
17.02.2025 Deadline for choosing the optional subjects for the following academic year, done electronically via online student information system.
17.02.2025 Publishing of the topics for the project-based learning for the following academic year.
21.02.2025 Beginning of courses in summer semester.
24.02.2025 - 28.02.2025 Doctoral students' presentation days - full-time doctoral students, external doctoral students - public debate at the departments on the subject Dissertation Project 5
03.03.2025 - 14.03.2025 "Deadline for submitting of Applications for the summer Final Exams. (application form in the system ""Final Theses"")."
10.03.2025 - 14.03.2025 Registration for the Presentation Days for Doctoral Students - External Doctoral Students - subject Dissertation Project 1
10.03.2025 - 14.03.2025 Registration for Doctoral Student Presentation Days - full-time doctoral students - subjects Dissertation Project 2, Dissertation Project 4
14.03.2025 An informative meeting with the Vice-Dean for Education and distributing of the assignments of the final theses.
23.03.2025 Deadline for submitting the applications for Erasmus+ Outgoing mobilities of the academic year 2025/2026.
31.03.2025 Deadline for new applications for Bachelor´s and Master´s degree studies.
31.03.2025 Publication of dissertation topics for the academic year 2025/2026
31.03.2025 Announcement of the admission procedure for doctoral studies for the academic year 2025/2026
04.04.2025 Deadline for the submission of written dissertation papers for the dissertation examination of external doctoral students
07.04.2025 - 08.04.2025 Doctoral students' presentation days - external doctoral students - public debate at the departments in the framework of the Dissertation Project 1 
09.04.2025 - 10.04.2025 Presentation days for PhD students - full-time PhD students - public debate at the faculty in the framework of the Dissertation Project 2 and Dissertation Project 4
11.04.2025 Deadline for submitting Master´s degree theses to the thesis supervisor.
11.04.2025 Deadline for submission of the application for permission to defend the dissertation with the prescribed annexes
18.04.2025 Deadline for submitting Bachelor´s degree theses to the thesis supervisor.
30.04.2025 Handing in the hardbound theses for Master´s students in the Information Centre of the faculty.
07.05.2025 Handing in the hardbound theses for Bachelor´s students in the Information Centre of the faculty.
07.05.2025 Last date for submission of the dissertation with the prescribed annexes
16.05.2025 End of courses in summer semester.
19.05.2025 Beginning of exam period in summer semester.
26.05.2025 - 27.05.2025 Dissertation examinations of external doctoral students (subject Dissertation Project 3) and examinations of external doctoral students in the "Subject of specialisation"
28.05.2025 Entrance exams for Master´s degree programmes.
30.05.2025 Publishing of Final Exams schedule in summer semester.
31.05.2025 Last date for submission of applications for doctoral studies for the academic year 2025/2026
05.06.2025 Entrance exams for Bachelor´s degree programmes.
06.06.2025 Deadline for completion of second year Master´s studies and third year Bachelor´s studies and third year Bachelor´s external studies (application forms to be sent to the Student Admininstration Office via email).
12.06.2025 - 13.06.2025 Summer semester Final Exams for Master´s degree students (full time and external).
13.06.2025 Deadline for notification of the agreed name of the opponent of the written thesis for the dissertation examination by the supervisor to the Office for Doctoral Studies and Career Development
16.06.2025 - 17.06.2025 Summer semester Final Exams for Bachelor´s degree students (full time and external).
19.06.2025 - 20.06.2025 Admission procedure for doctoral studies
30.06.2025 Deadline for electronic registration for new Bachelor´s degree students of the academic year 2025/2026.
02.07.2025 Graduation ceremony for Master´s degree students.
03.07.2025 Graduation ceremony for Bachelor´s degree students.
04.07.2025 End of exam period in summer semester.
04.07.2025 Deadline for completion of Bachelor´s and Master´s studies (application forms to be sent to the Student Admininstration Office via email).
07.07.2025 Publishing of the entrance exam results – decisions about Master´s degree programmes enrollment.
11.07.2025 Deadline for submission of the "Annual Evaluation of the Doctoral Student"
14.07.2025 35th anniversary of establishing the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics.
14.07.2025 - 08.08.2025 Doctoral students' holidays
14.08.2025 - 31.08.2025 Doctoral thesis defences
31.08.2025 End of academic year 2024/2025.
01.09.2025 - 04.09.2025 Changes of elective and optional subjects for winter and summer semester 2025/2026. (first year Bachelor´s degree students excluded).
01.09.2025 Beginning of academic year 2025/2026.