Department of Management Theories

General information

Phone 041/5134451
Head prof. Ing. Milan Kubina, PhD.
Contact 041/5134463
Room RB256
Deputy doc. Ing. Radoslav Jankal, PhD.
Contact 041/5134458
Room RB259
Secretary Ing. Brigita Malkusová
Phone 041/5134301
Room RB353


Ing. Roman Adámik, PhD. RB251 041/5134454 ics icon
teaching: Fundamentals of research in management, Sports management, Product management, Innovation management, Theory of the enterprise
research: Sports management, Product management, Information technology

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1919-7344
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAK-8785-2020
Ing. Oliver Bubelíny, PhD. RB258 041/5134456 ics icon
Ing. Martin Holubčík, PhD. RB253 041/5134457 ics icon
Teaching: Decision making in management. Digital marketing. Marketing. Research in Management. Planning and controlling.
Research: Cooperation and synergy in management. Synergistic effects. Managerial decision making. Marketing. digital marketing.
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAE-9480-2021
SCOPUS ID: 57194770156
doc. Ing. Radoslav Jankal, PhD. RB259 041/5134458 ics icon
education: strategic management, process management, integrated management system, ethic and social responsibility
research: service quality, business excellence, business ethics, CSR

Scopus Author ID: 35386457100
Web of Science ResearcherID: P-1044-2016
doc. Ing. Gabriel Koman, PhD. RB258 041/5134456 ics icon
education: enterprise information systems, management research, management information systems, it service management, digital marketing,  internet of things, internet of everything, information security management, information systems architectures.
research: business information systems, managerial information systems, enterprise resource planning systems (sap), big data, industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, data-driven organization, Smart City.

Scopus ID: 56765985700
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAE-6629-2021
prof. Ing. Milan Kubina, PhD. RB256 041/5134463 ics icon
teaching: business information systems, business communication systems, managerial IS, information management, IS architectures
research: use of IS / ICT to support management and decision-making in the organization, SmarCity, Industry 4.0
doc. Ing. Viliam Lendel, PhD. RB253 041/5134470,041/5134054 ics icon
basics of research, research in management, managerial communication, management 2, decision support systems
Ing. Lucie Lendelová, Ph.D. MBA RB259 041/5134464 ics icon
teaching: management 1, project management
research: performance measurement and management systems, management games, and simulation, project management
Ing. Martin Mičiak, PhD. RB252 041/5134455 ics icon
teaching: management 2, project management, management games and simulations, sociology
research: human capital management, selected economic and managerial aspects in sports management, data analysis
prof. Mgr. Jakub Soviar, PhD. RB253 041/5134462 ics icon
teaching: marketing management (strategic marketing), marketing, sociology and psychology
research: cooperation management, marketing strategies, market research and on-line reputation management, online marketing
Ing. Nikola Štaffenová, PhD. RB251 041/5134454 ics icon
Ing. Dominika Toman, PhD. RB252 041/5134455 ics icon
Teaching: Human Resources Management 1, Human Resources Management 2, Manager Psychology
Research: Organizational behaviour, motivation and creativity, sports organizations management, ICT decision-making support

Web of Science Researcheride: AAX-3473-2021
doc. Ing. Michal Varmus, PhD. RB254 041/5134471 ics icon
teaching: management presentation skills, marketing communication, innovation management, international management and marketing
research: innovation management, marketing and management in sport

PhD Students

Ing. Patrik Boršoš RB010 041/5134025
Ing. Dominika Findriková RB007 041/5134020
Ing. Ivana Gabrišová RB007 041/5134020
Ing. Paula Höhrová RB009 041/5134022
Ing. Silvia Krúpová RB009 041/5134022
Ing. Pavol Ondrík RB011 041/5134405
Teaching: Integrated management system,
Research: Digital transformation as an aspect of sustainable development
Ing. Miroslava Řepová RB011 041/5134405
Ing. Michal Šarlák RB009 041/5134022