Department of Technical Cybernetics

General information

Phone 041/5134351
Head doc. Ing. Peter Ševčík, PhD.
Contact 041/5134350
Room RB111
Deputy doc. Ing. Michal Hodoň, PhD.
Contact 041/5134358
Room RB153
Secretary Mgr. Viera Černeková
Phone 041/5134351
Room RB110


Ing. Lukáš Čechovič, PhD. RB157 041/5134366 ics icon
Teaching: Measurement, 3D Printing
Research: 3D Printing, Robotics in Education, Embedded Systems for Sports
Mgr. Viera Černeková RB110 041/5134351
Ing. Miroslav Chochul, PhD. RB152 041/5134357 ics icon
Subjects: Logical systems; Digital electronics
Research: Wireless sensor networks, Internet of Things, Embedded systems
Ing. Lukáš Formanek, PhD. RB154 041/5134359 ics icon
doc. Ing. Michal Hodoň, PhD. RB153 041/5134358 ics icon
Teaching: Electronics, Embedded systems, Technical components of PC

Research: sensors, openHW, educational robotics, global navigation satellite systems, intelligent transportation systems, wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things.
doc. Ing. Ján Kapitulík, PhD. RB159 041/5134391 ics icon
education: embedded systems, computer engineering, digital signal processing
research: real time signal processing, development of children perceptional abilities, acoustics
doc. Ing. Ondrej Karpiš, PhD. RB156 041/5131415, 041/5134361 ics icon
Digital computers, Interconnected embedded systems, Introduction to digital control systems
prof. Ing. Juraj Miček, PhD. RB107 041/5134354 ics icon
Teaching: Technical Means of Control and Information Systems,
Digital Signal Processing, Microcomputers
Research: Digital signal processing - Noise shaping, Embedded systems, IoT
Ing. Veronika Olešnaníková, PhD. RB154 041/5134359 ics icon
subjects: Discrete systems, Automatic Control Theory
research: WSN, Compressed sensing
Ing. Peter Šarafín, PhD. RB154 041/5134359 ics icon
doc. Ing. Peter Ševčík, PhD. RB111 041/5134350 ics icon
education: electrical engineering, electronics, electronic systems, digital systems, Custom integrated circuits design, Applications of the microprocessors implemented into the FPGA devices
research: digital signal processing, FPGA implementation, embedded systems, IoT applications

PhD Students

Ing. Tomáš Bača
Ing. Michal Kochláň
Ing. Michal Kubaščík RB156 041/5134361
Teaching: Digital Computers. Theory of Automatic Control. Introduction to discrete systems.

Research: signal processing, neural networks, embedded systems.
Ing. Ján Šumský RB152 041/5134357
Výučba: Internet of Things
Výskum: Energy harvesting, Internet of Things, Embedded systems
Ing. Andrej Tupý RB157 041/5134356