Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Žilina was founded on July 17th 1990 by approval of University Senate. The main idea of foundation was integration of developing knowledge from ICT in the Faculty Programmes of study. That was above all students and staff from Department of Technical Cybernetics existing from 1972 on the University (in that time University of Transport and Communication, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering). From this time University and Faculty were going through many changes and development connected by evolution, as well events, caused by society changes and corresponding legislative.
At the present we often encounter with the view that the universities education is focusing on the theories, which is far from requirements of fair practice. Our Faculty tries constantly monitoring the trends and employers requirements to put in the effect for all of our graduates. During the complex accreditation in 2015 Faculty addressed many employers with the question concerning qualification of our graduates. This was one of the groundwork for the change of our Programs of Study.
The change of education is very complicate matter, especially if we consider enforcement of graduates in praxis within 5–10 years. The most essential is to ground necessary knowledge to students, to learn them for permanent education and not to give up when obstacles are coming.
University education is not just courses and technologies for mastering of graduates. We believe the university education’s mission is upbringing such graduates who will for new technologies, looking for new unexplored paths and move the area of knowledge over the frontier of contemporary knowledge. Thus, our society has become immortal and constantly advancing.
At the present, there are near 6,500 students at the University of Žilina, including about 1,300 students at the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics in the academic year 2018/19.
Activities of the Faculty are determined by new trends of information and communication technology development, where the high priority task is to insure the continual interconnection between research, education and acceptation of postgraduates in the praxis. The main education and professional activities lie with fields as design and realization of technical tools for information and control systems, analysis, synthesis and design of integrated information and control systems, management, marketing, logistics, entrepreneurship, activity of transportation and communication systems, control and optimization of goods and passenger transport, control and optimization of databases design and their transmission and data processing, problematic of multimedia information systems and graphic information systems, simulation mediums for communication networks and systems and mathematical modelling.
Faculty of Management Science and Informatics offers the study in all three levels programmes of study (Bachelor, Master and Doctoral). All programmes are officially approved by the Accreditation Commission of the Slovak Republic. The programmes are interdisciplinary; they were conceived and created based on many years of the Faculty’s successful research and educational tradition. Detailed descriptions of these programmes is performed in following text.
During its existence, the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, as both a research and teaching institution, became a worthy equal partner to similar faculties not just in Slovakia, but in other countries as well. Earning this reputation was a long and strenuous process; but now the scientific and academic staffs of the Faculty, as well as their graduates, have achieved a well-
deserved position in the world-wide academic community of informatics and management. For a long time, our graduates have experienced great interest from employers. According to an official statistics in 2016, our Faculty is ranked at 3rd place among the top 20 faculties, whose graduates were most in demand and it is the 1st place among faculties outside of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.