FRI.Jobs: UI SW Engineer

Názov pracovnej príležitosti: UI SW Engineer
Typ pracovnej príležitosti: brigáda
pracovná ponuka pre absolventa
pracovná ponuka pre súčasných študentov
FRI partner:
Kontaktná osoba: Simona Orechovská
Kontaktný e-mail:
Vhodné pre št. programy: Informačné a sieťové technológie (Bc.)
Informatika (Bc.)
Informatika a riadenie (Bc.)
Manažment (Bc.)
Počítačové inžinierstvo (Bc.)
Aplikovaná informatika (Ing.)
Aplikované sieťové inžinierstvo (Ing.)
Biomedicínska informatika (Ing.)
Informačný manažment (Ing.)
Inteligentné informačné systémy (Ing.)
Počítačové inžinierstvo (Ing.)

Počet pozícií: 1
Miesto výkonu práce: Bratislava / Banská Bystrica / Žilina
Dátum nástupu: ASAP
Ponúkaný plat: SW Developer (Junior), 1 500 – 1 800 €, SW Engineer 1 700 – 2 500 €, Senior SW Engineer starting at 2 300 €, Expert starting at 3 000 €
Popis pracovnej príležitosti: is looking for UI Developers for a project that involves SND technology. If this area is interesting your you, keep reading about our project below. Your job will involve working on prototype projects – on something, that no one has ever done before.

Example of such project is below:

From a UI standpoint, this complex project is composed of multiple modules. The UI is made as a single monolith, which significantly influences its complexity and scalability. Therefore, our current work consists of "ripping out" individual UI modules into separate, simpler UI apps (Angular 13), which are then re-connected into a single unit. For now, we connect apps only through iframes, but we want to gradually work towards a full-fledged micro-frontend architecture, using Module Federation. The advantage is, that we do not use the original code during this rework. Based on feedback, we improve the original workflow and thus build the functionality from the ground up.

You can choose from one of our three branches: Bratislava, Banská Bystrica or Žilina!


  • • Angular 13 + strict TypeScript
  • • PrimeNG + Prime Designer
  • • RxJS
  • • REST API
  • • Azure
  • Advantages:
  • • Knowledge of networking principles and SDN
  • • UX skills
  • • OOP and asynchronous programming
  • • Knowledge of GIT and other programming tools

Other knowledge

  • • JavaScript Advanced
  • • HTML Skillful
  • • CSS Skillful
  • • Sass Skillful
  • • Angular Skillful
  • • Linux Basic

Educational Specialization

  • • Information technology

Language skills

  • • English – Upper intermediate (B2)

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