FRI.Jobs: MLOps/DevOps Engineer Intern

Názov pracovnej príležitosti: MLOps/DevOps Engineer Intern
Typ pracovnej príležitosti: brigáda
pracovná ponuka pre súčasných študentov
FRI partner: Dell Technologies
Kontaktná osoba: Sylvia Gromosova
Kontaktný e-mail:
Vhodné pre št. programy: Informačné a sieťové technológie (Bc.)
Informatika (Bc.)
Informatika a riadenie (Bc.)
Počítačové inžinierstvo (Bc.)
Aplikovaná informatika (Ing.)
Aplikované sieťové inžinierstvo (Ing.)
Biomedicínska informatika (Ing.)
Inteligentné informačné systémy (Ing.)
Počítačové inžinierstvo (Ing.)

Počet pozícií: 1
Miesto výkonu práce: Slovakia (remote or in Bratislava office)
Dátum nástupu: on agreement
Ponúkaný plat: 6.60 EUR/ hour
Popis pracovnej príležitosti:

At Dell Technologies, we are committed to bringing innovation to people everywhere and organizations of all shapes and sizes so they can transform and thrive in the digital economy. Join our team to do the best work of your career and make a profound social impact.

You will:

  • - Develop high availability and highly scalable applications which will be used by both internal and external customers.
  • - Participate in product development in all stages from planning and design to development, testing and documentation of ML solutions and data products.
  • - Generate technical documentation as well as unit and functional tests.
  • - Adhere to DevSecOps practices to protect underlying data/infrastructure assets.
  • - Utilize a range of applicable technologies across the entire Model Lifecycle (e.g., data science packages, statistical and machine learning techniques, distributed computing, Big Data, CI/CD).

Take the first step towards your dream career.

Essential Requirements:

  • - Experience with scripting languages as Python and Shell
  • - Experience designing and developing APIs in Python (FastAPI, Flask or Django)
  • - Experience with Python testing frameworks such as unittest or pytest
  • - Basic knowledge of Docker, Kubernetes in a microservices architecture.

Desirable Requirements:

  • - Mathematical knowledge and advanced statistical analysis skills
  • - Experience with Github, Gitlab, BitBucket or any other code versioning tool
  • - Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence experience

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