Dizertačné práce

Model plánovania v manažmente a motivovania ľudského potenciálu v organizácii

Autor práce: Ing. Monika Kerestešová
Školiteľ: doc. Ing. Martina Blašková, PhD.
Dátum obhajoby: 20.8.2013
Študijný program: 3.3.15 Manažment
Oponent 1: prof. Ing. Milota Vetráková, PhD.
Oponent 2: doc. Ing. Anna Kachaňáková, CSc.
Oponent 3: doc. Mgr. Ing. Milan Droppa, PhD.

Anglický abstrakt:
KERESTEŠOVÁ Monika: Model of planning in management and motivating of human potential in the organization. [Dissertation thesis] – University of Žilina in Žilina, Faculty of Management science and Informatics; Managerial theories department. – Dissertation thesis chief: doc. Ing. Martina Blašková, PhD. – Qualification level: philosophiae doctor (Abbreviation for philosophiae doctor is “PhD.”) in the field of study 3.3.15 Management, study program Management, Žilina 2011. - 120 pages and attachments. The aim of dissertation thesis was, based on a systematization of theoretical knowledge and knowledge which was acquired from conducted research, to make a proposal two - component model of motivating planning and planning in the field of motivating human action which would allow the use of mechanism deliberate alignment of planning and motivational processes. The solution of dissertation thesis also presents the proposal of process and appropriate method of implementation of created model of planning and motivation in practice in the Slovak organizations. Within the proposed model and other sub-models, representing the various stages and phases of mutual motivational-planning process, were defined the fundamental factors affecting non/success in achieving the desired outcomes of planning and motivation. Project is divided into six chapters. It consist 17 illustrations, 6 tabs and two attachments. Key words: Management. Planning. Motivation. Motivating. Planning process, Motivational process. Objectives. Plans. Motivational Program. Human Potential. Model.

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