The world's fifth-largest economy, France is also the fourth most popular destination for international students. Annual tuition rates at public institutions are set by law are are identical for all students - a Master's program can cost as low as 300€/year. Tuition rates at private institutions—particularly schools of business and management—is generally higher (from €3,000 to €10,000 annually). In France's public institutions of higher education, the government bears the bulk of the cost of education - an average of €10,000 per student per year.
You can apply until February 29th 2016.
Vytvorené 12.02.2016 10:11, doc. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD.
Visit our web map with locations of our Erasmus+ partner institutions - web map.
Vytvorené 09.02.2016 20:46, doc. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD.
Our students and staff can profit from new IIA signed with following partner universities:
Telecom Bretagne - Campus Brest (France) - www.telecom-bretagne.eu
Polytech Orléans (France) - www.univ-orleans.fr/en/polytech
Széchenyi István University Györ (Hungary) - uni.sze.hu/en_GB/home
University of Pécs - Faculty of Sciences (Hungary) - www.ttk.pte.hu/en
Pedagogical University of Cracow (Poland) - www.up.krakow.pl/main/eng/
Lomza State University of Applied Sciences (Poland) - www.pwsip.edu.pl/english/
University of Finance and Management Warsaw (Poland) - en.vizja.pl
University of Niš (Serbia) - www.ni.ac.rs/en/
Vytvorené 12.01.2016 10:14, doc. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD.
Vážení členovia akademickej obce,
dovoľujeme si Vás pozvať na verejné zasadnutie Akademického senátu Fakulty riadenia a informatiky Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline, ktoré sa uskutoční dňa 15.12.2015 o 14:00 v miestnosti A101.
Vytvorené 14.12.2015 12:19, doc. Ing. Norbert Adamko, PhD.
Faculty of Management Science and Informatics with cooperation of Nexteria and FRI Students Club has prepared regional tournament of the robotic competition First Lego League that will take place at FRI C on 4. December 2015 (friday) starting at 09:00 o'clock.
You all are warmly welcome.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Michal Kochláň
Vytvorené 04.12.2015 05:03, Ing. Michal Kochláň
SCRUM and pair programming presentation.
Vytvorené 23.11.2015 16:59, Ing. Marek Tavač, PhD.
On Monday, November 23 2015 a lecture on Languages for Embedded Systems Programming will be given by Ing. Stanislav Foltan, PhD. of Honeywell.
He will tell you about his work and the tools he is using.
All students and embedded systems enthusiast are welcome.
Vytvorené 22.11.2015 14:07, doc. Ing. Karol Grondžák, PhD.
Program MS IT Academy
Vytvorené 09.11.2015 21:15, prof. Ing. Milan Kubina, PhD.
Some text in the modal.