We would like to invite you to take part in an invited lecture of dr Anna Sobczyk-Kolbuch, prof. from Katowice Business University, Poland.
Tuesday, 05.04.2022 - 1 pm - RC009 room
Vytvorené 04.04.2022 13:48, doc. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD.
Vytvorené 15.03.2022 09:45, doc. Ing. Viliam Lendel, PhD.
The management of the Faculty of Management and Informatics (FRI), the University of Žilina (UNIZA) condemns Russia's military attack on Ukraine. We support calls to end the war and to find a peaceful solution to the situation.
Several Ukrainian students study at FRI UNIZA, to whom we express our support and belonging. We will provide them with full support in solving the problems and crisis situations that may arise concerning the situation in Ukraine, and at the same time, we will provide them with an extraordinary one-off scholarship to help them in the current war situation. In case of crisis situations and the need for psychological support and crisis intervention, students can contact the UNIZA Counselling and Career Centre. For the solution of any study matters, the study department of FRI UNIZA and the vice-dean for education doc. Lendel are fully available.
These days, it is important to support critical thinking, oppose the spread of propaganda, misinformation, and alternative facts. We believe in ending the conflict peacefully as soon as possible.
FRI UNIZA management
“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” Albert EinsteinFRI UNIZA висловлює Українi свою пiдтримку та солiдарнiсть
Керівництво факультету управлiння та інформатики (FRI) Жилінського університету в Жилiнi (UNIZA) засуджує агресію та порушення територіальної цілісності України та приєднується до викликів припинити війну та знайти мирнe вирiшиння ситуацiї.
У FRI UNIZA навчається декілька українських студентів, яким ми висловлюємо свою підтримку та приналежність. Ми надамо їм повну підтримку у вирішенні проблем і кризових ситуацій, які можуть виникнути у зв’язку з ситуацією в Україні, і водночас надамо їм надзвичайну одноразову стипендію, щоб допомогти їм у нинішній воєнній ситуації. У разі кризових ситуацій та необхідності психологічної підтримки та кризового втручання студенти можуть звернутися до Консультаційно-кар'єрного центра UNIZA (Poradenské a karierné centrum UNIZA). Навчальний відділ FRI UNIZA та продекан з питань освіти та педагогічної діяльності повністю доступні для вирішення будь-яких питань навчання.
Водночас важливо підтримувати критичне мислення, протистояти поширенню пропаганди, дезінформації, альтернативних фактів та фейкових новин, вірити в якнайшвидше припинення конфлікту мирним шляхом.
Керівництво FRI UNIZA
„Мир не можна зберегти силою; його можна досягти лише порозумінням.“ Альберт Ейнштейн
Vytvorené 26.02.2022 18:51, doc. Ing. Viliam Lendel, PhD.
During this blended mobility of the SmartSoc project, students and teachers from more than 10 European universities from 9 countries will work together during the summer semester. The main goal of blended mobility is the training of business skills of students of study programs focused on information and communication technologies. Five-member student teams will work on the business plans of their virtual start-ups. In addition, the blended mobility programme also includes lectures focusing on the latest trends in information and communication technologies, entrepreneurship, sustainable development and intercultural communication. Blended mobility participants also attend three Design Thinking seminars.
Vytvorené 14.02.2022 09:18, doc. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD.
Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ K220-HED project entitled "BEE with APEX" (Better Employability for Everyone with APEX) took place on Wednesday, 26 January 2022.
Six universities are cooperating in the project: SVEUCILISTE U ZAGREBU (Croatia), AKADEMIA LEONA KOZMINSKIEGO (Poland), DIETHNES PANEPISTIMIO ELLADOS (Greece), UNIVERSITAT LINZ (Austria) and of course the UNIVERSITY OF ŽILINA. The project coordinator is the UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR (Slovenia). The coordinator for our faculty is assoc. prof. Ing. Michal Kvet, PhD. and prof. Ing. Karol Matiaško, PhD. The aim of the project is to create a learning platform for creating applications using ORACLE APEX technology. We wish our colleagues a lot of success in the implementation of this interesting project and the subsequent introduction of results into teaching process.
Vytvorené 31.01.2022 14:32, doc. Ing. Viliam Lendel, PhD.
Members of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics of the University of Žilina elected on 21 January 2022 at their session the candidate for the Dean of the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics for the period 1 April 2022 - 31 March 2026.
The candidate was elected
Assoc. Prof. Ing. Emil Kršák, PhD.
the current dean of the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics
Vytvorené 28.01.2022 10:56, Ing. Veronika Olešnaníková, PhD.
We are pleased to announce the signing of a memorandum of cooperation with our long-term partner - the IPESOFT company. We are expanding the list of industry partners that support us improve our attractive study programs. We are looking forward to intensive cooperation in the field of education.
Vytvorené 26.01.2022 19:18, doc. Ing. Viliam Lendel, PhD.
On Wednesday, January 20th and Thursday, January 21st 2022, the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics organised the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ KA220-SCH - project titled OOP4FUN - Object Oriented Programming for Fun. Our institution is the project coordinator.
The 32-month
project is funded under the Erasmus + program “Cooperation partnerships
in school education” of the European Commission in the total
amount of 283.228,00€.
The main project idea
is to support secondary schools’ teachers of programming courses in their
mission of IT education, independently if their students will be the IT experts
with HEI education in the future or experts in other fields. Therefore the goals
of this project are to create new or upgraded curricula for IT courses and
innovative teaching method that includes implementation of agile methods,
communication skills, and teamwork, to teach the high school educators how to
implement a new curriculum through educational workshops and other educational
activities and to develop teaching and learning object oriented programming
through game development as a way of motivating both male and female students
to work in a team project and increase their interest in object oriented
programming and STEM in general.
Although the first meeting had to be held online, the partners managed to achieve the goal of getting to know the partners teams involved and to make the initial project overview and coordination of the project management activities and first project result which will enable them to explore, teach and implement the changes described as project objectives.
In addition to the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, the partners of this project include the leading European universities in the field of informatics/computer science and high schools are: the Faculty of Organisation and Informatics the University of Zagreb, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics the University of Pardubice, the Faculty of Organisational Sciences University of Beograd, Srednja škola Ivanec, Gymnazium Pardubice, Obchodna akademia Považská Bystrica, the University of Applied Sciences HTW Dresden, Gimnazija Ivanjica and Gymnasium Dresden-Plauen.
During the project, the partners will jointly work on 5 main project results and will start by creating an analysis of the current state & identification of gaps in (teaching) programming in high schools and Universities, coordinated by Srednja škola Ivanec.The expected impact of this project can be seen through target groups (secondary school teachers, high school students), participants and industry, use of modern methods of agile software development and technologies in pedagogical practice following the principles of Education 4.0. This way of teaching will provide students with soft skills to be able to utilize in the fields not related to STEM as well (critical thinking, teamwork, communication, work with information sources, etc.). An increase in motivation of students naturally leads to the raise of their knowledge which will give students a good base for further study in universities.
The national coordinator of the project is our faculty and more information on the expected results, activities, events, materials, and partners involved will be available on the official project website and Facebook and LinkedIn of the project.
Vytvorené 21.01.2022 11:26, doc. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD.
We would like to invite you to a lecture on Health information systems and eHealth of Dr. Paula Veikkolainen from University of Oulu, Finland. The lecture will be held online using MS Teams on December 16, 2021 at 16:00 and will be composed of two parts.
The first part of the lecture entitled Data transfer within the health care system, requirements and standards covers the concept of interoperability and related terms in healthcare system, provides short introduction of some of the most important standards related to data transfer and interoperability (DICOM, HL7, HL7 CDA, HL7 FHIR, ICD-10, SNOMED CT, openEHR and CEN/ISO 13606) and finally presents the role of Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise.
The second part entitled Secondary use of health and social data covers introduction of secondary use of data and key concepts, relationship between European GDPR and secondary use of data, an example of national legislation in a form on introduction of The Finnish Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data and national data permit authority FinData, short discussion about data privacy and protection issues related to the topic and finally introduction of European Health Data Space.
The lecture is organized as a part of the Erasmus+ CeBMI project, which focuses on supporting the teaching of biomedical informatics.
Link to the lecture can be found here.
Vytvorené 15.12.2021 18:43, doc. Ing. Miroslav Kvaššay, PhD.
OPTIMA project –
Communication Platform for Traffic Management Demonstrator - is covered by the Shift2Rail IP2, focused on control, command and communication systems of the railway system. The EU-funded OPTIMA project is designing and developing a communication platform to manage the connection between several services supporting transportation management system (TMS) applications. The platform will link TMS applications with infrastructure systems such as traffic control, maintenance, energy management and signalling. The platform will consolidate real-time data from the railway business service, test the connection of several rail business services with external services and provide a perfectly documented communication platform for supplementary projects. OPTIMA is advanced by a consortium of research institutions, industrial stakeholders and infrastructure managers specialising in traffic control and management.
Vytvorené 06.11.2021 22:19, doc. Ing. Viliam Lendel, PhD.
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