Department of Mathematical Methods and Operations Research

General information

Head prof. Ing. Ľudmila Jánošíková, PhD.
Contact 041/5134200
Room RA226
Deputy Ing. Tomáš Majer, PhD.
Contact 041/5134250
Room RA310
Secretary Ing. Ľubica Michálková
Phone 041/5134201
Room RA225


RNDr. Rudolf Blaško, PhD. RA306 041/5134283 ics icon
Teaching courses Mathematical analysis 1, 2 and 3, Practice on mathematics, Project 1,2,3, Electronical processing and presentation of documents, leadership bachelor and diploma theses.
RNDr. Zuzana Borčinová, PhD. RA304 041/5134279 ics icon
algorithmic graph theory, mathematical analysis, unix integrated development environment

operations research, optimization of distribution systems
Mgr. Alžbeta Bugáňová, PhD. RA327 041/5134215 ics icon
teaching: mathematical analysis 1, 2

research: computer modeling of biological cell flows, mathematical modeling and simulations in biomedicine and bioinformatics
more info on the website of the research group Cell-in-fluid Biomedical modeling and calculations
prof. Ing. Ľuboš Buzna, PhD. RA214 041/5134203 ics icon
teaching: Discrete optimization, Optimization of networks, Introduction to machine learning, Applications of optimization in machine learning

research: transportation, energy, optimization, data science
google scholar,
Mgr. Peter Czimmermann, PhD. RA303 041/5134280 ics icon
teaching: graph theory, algebra, applied algebra, information theory, calculus

research: operations research, graph theory, optimization of service systems in networks
Mgr. Lýdia Gábrišová, PhD. RA305 041/5134285 ics icon
Teaching: Mathematical Analysis 1 - calculus, Mathematical Analysis 2 - differetial equations, Numerical methods
Research: location problems, design of public service systems
Ing. Andrea Galadíková, PhD. RA327 041/5134215 ics icon
teaching courses:
Modelling and Simulation,
Discrete Simulation

Research: using of simulation models for decision support in transport system

doc. PaedDr. Dalibor Gonda, PhD. RA216 041/5134205 ics icon
Teaching: algebra, probability and statistics
Research interest: linear programming, transformation of mathematical models
prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Janáček, CSc. RA215 041/5134204,0903736400 ics icon
• Discrete optimization, BC study
• Modeling and optimization, BC study
• Optimization on networks, Master study
• Fuzzy sets and neural networks, Master studyň
• Metaheuristics, Master study
• Mathematical programming, Master study
• Management science, PhD. study
Optimization methods, mathematical programming, location problems, public service system design, distribution system design, scheduling problems

Ing. Peter Jankovič, PhD. RA224 041/5134213 ics icon
teaching courses: Algorithms and Data structures 2, Discrete Simulation, Modelling and Simulation
research interests: simulation models of transportation systems, on-line simulation models, improving robustness of schedules, modelling of service systems, modelling of pedestrians' movement and behaviour
prof. Ing. Ľudmila Jánošíková, PhD. RA226 041/5134200 ics icon
Teaching: Assembly Language Programming, Modelling and Optimization
Research interest: mathematical modelling and optimization of service systems
Ing. Maroš Janovec, PhD. RA219 041/5134229 ics icon
Lectures: Algebra, Mathematical analysis 1, Cryptography and Safety, Algorithmic Graph Theory

Research: Optimization of transport systems, Optimization problems connected to electric vehicles
RNDr. Alžbeta Klaudinyová RA307 041/5134286 ics icon
algebra, probability theory and statistics, practice on mathematics
doc. Ing. Michal Koháni, PhD. RA224 041/5134213 ics icon
operations research, optimization of transport networks, mathematical programming, implementation of optimization algorithms
RNDr. Aleš Kozubík, PhD. RA304 041/5134279 ics icon
mathematical analysis I,II, probability theory and statistics,electronic processing and presentation of the documents
research: actuarial science, insurance risk theory, mathematical modeling of the economic processes, financial literacy
Ing. Michal Lekýr, PhD. A220 041/5131420 ics icon
Teaching courses: Assembly Language Programming, Computer Graphics, 3D computer graphics
Ing. Tomáš Majer, PhD. RA310 041/5134250 ics icon
teaching: algorithmic graph theory, cryptography and safety, theory of information
research: operational research, optimization of transport systems
doc. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD. RA102, RA219 041/5134053 ics icon
teaching: Modelling and simulation (Bc.), Geographic information systems (MSc.)
Research: decision support systems (computer simulation, mathematical modelling, geographical information systems) - application in railway transport
Ing. Ľubica Michálková RA225 041/5134201
RNDr. Ida Stankovianska, CSc. RA308 041/5134288 ics icon
teaching: algebra, probability and statistics;
research: optimization of transport systems
Ing. Milan Straka, PhD. RA217 041/5134206 ics icon
Teaching: Introduction to machine learning, Algebra, Introduction to Engineer Study, Informatics 1,2, Probability and statistics
Research: Data science, and machine learning focused mainly on energy and transport.
Ing. Peter Tarábek, PhD. RA223 041/5134212 ics icon
Teaching: Assembly Language Programming, Programming Techniques 1,2,3
Research activities: artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision
Ing. Katarína Zábovská, PhD. RA308 041/5134285 ics icon
teaching: graph theory, discreet optimization, optimization of networks
research activity: analytical services, artificial intelligence methods, algorithms and their utilization, data processing and visualization

PhD Students

Ing. Dávid Matis RA221 041/5134210
Research: Use of Reinforcement learning with deep neural networks
Teaching: Deep machine learning
Ing. Andrej Michalek RA221 041/5134210
Research: Knowledge transfer in deep reinforcement learning
Teaching: Assembly Language Programming