Basic information for International Cooperation

1. ERASMUS+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It supports mobilities and exchanges of students, teachers and staff among european universities within the framework of key action 1 (KA1 - Learning mobilty of individuals) programu Erasmus+.

The lenght of a study mobility is 3 -12 months. Participants can stay at any of the partner institution with which FRI UNIZA has concluded a bilateral Inter-Institutional Agreement - IIA.

List of partners - map

Institutional coordinator Erasmus+ is a Vice-rector for international cooperation and marketing Assoc. Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD.

Contact person for incoming student mobilties  Lucia Jendrichovská.

Contact person for incoming student mobilties Lucia Pijaková.

University level Erasmus+ information and rules 

Basic information for students UNIZA 

website of the European comission about Erasmus+ programme

Faculty coordinator Erasmus+
Assoc. Prof. Ing. Peter Márton, PhD. - tel.: +421 41 513 4053, e-mail: Peter.Marton (at)

Faculty admin coordinator Erasmus+
Mgr. Petra Cvičeková - tel.: +421 41 513 4055, e-mail:cvicekova (at)

Prezentácia pre študentov FRI UNIZA 

Students can take part in mobilities abroad within the framework of other programmes and grants such as:

bilateral agreements with partner universities,
