Terms and conditions
- The fundamental prerequisite of being accepted to the bachelor′s degree study programme (first degree) is the full completion of secondary education or full secondary vocational education (Higher Education Act, n.131/2002 Coll.).
- Language competence – written and oral command of Slovak or Czech. Studying at the faculty, including the opportunity of spending a part of your study abroad (higher grades), calls for a need of mastering at least one of the world languages minimally in the scope of the secondary grammar school curriculum.
- Health certificates – the faculty does not require any health certificates and accepts all the applications without it.
- The annual tuition for the study programmes in English - 3500€ (Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Management, Information and Network Technologies in Bachelor degree; Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Intelligent Information Systems, Applied Network Engineering, Biomedical Engineering)
Form of admission
No entrance exams
- The graduates of all types of secondary schools who were during their secondary studies successful solvers of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Olympiad in regional, state or higher level.
- Graduates of all secondary schools who during their study participated in national or higher round of the CISCO Networking Academy and in the overall assessment in categories UNI, PT, or equivalent, achieved one of the fi rst three placements.
- Graduates of all secondary schools who in the current year or previous years passed the external part of their school leaving exams in Mathematics and their score was 60 or higher.
- Graduates of all secondary schools who in the current school year passed SCIO tests of study skills and Mathematics and their score was 60 percent or higher.
- Graduates of secondary grammar schools and business academies* whose arithmetic average of marks does not exceed 1.50 in the penultimate year (not in the final year) will be accepted without entrance exams for the study programme Management.
- Graduates of all secondary schools who during their study obtained official CCNA industrial certifi cation or higher.
- The graduates of all types of secondary schools who were during their secondary studies successful solvers of the ZENIT competition – Programming, Web, Microelectronics in categories A and B in the national round or placed among the top three contestants in the regional round.
- The graduates of all types of secondary schools who were during their secondary studies successful solvers of the RoboCupJunior competition and placed among the top three contestants in the international or national round.
- Graduates of all secondary schools who during their secondary studies participated in national round of different competitions in fields of Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Electrical engineering and hardware, Economics and management.
- The graduates of secondary grammar schools and graduates of secondary vocational schools with school leaving examination aimed at information technologies or electrical engineering whose arithmetic average of marks from Mathematics for the first three years** does not exceed 1,90, will be accepted without entrance exams for the study programme Computer Engineering.
*all fields of study containing the term „gymnázium / Secondary Grammar School“ or „obchodná akadémia / Business Academy“ in their title
**in the case of eightyear grammar schools the average is calculated for the grades 5, 6 and 7.
Entrance exams
- All the other secondary school graduates who do not meet the conditions for being accepted without entrance exams will be accepted on the basis of the test results according to the order of points achieved, depending on the planned capacity of the faculty. At the entrance exams (written tests) applicants will have to take a test in Mathematics in the scope of secondary school curriculum and what is more their ability of logical thinking will be tested as well.
- In case of interest to apply for more than one study programme it is satisfactory to indicate their order of preference in one application form whereas only one admission fee payment is required. If the applicant succeeds in the entrance exams (s) he will be accepted in order of preference for the study programme which requirements have been met.
Selection procedure
- After the deadline for accepting applications the faculty sends out invitations to all applicants which in addition to detailed information about the course of the entrance exams also include an identification code of each applicant and a number of the room where the examination will be held. After registration and verification of the fulfiment of a condition according to §56 Subsection 1 of the Act the applicant completes the test in Mathematics and logical thinking in a period of 180 minutes. Aft er completing all the tests are scanned, automatically evaluated and preliminary test results are available even on the day of the examination on the website http://vzdelavanie.uniza.sk/prijimacky/. All applicants get access to their results aft er entering his/her name and an identification code. Aft er the admission procedure is finished candidates gain access not only to their results but also to the complete assignment of solved test marked with correct answers. A written decision about the result of the entrance examination is sent by the Dean′s Office within 14 days from the date of the entrance exams.
How to apply
The same terms and conditions of admission are applicable as for the applicants from abroad as for the applicants from Slovakia. Foreign students who study in a foreign language (i.e. not Slovak or Czech), pay the tuition fee as stated in § 92 Subsection 8 (Higher Education Act). The tuition fee is specified by the UNIZA directive for the respective academic year, which can be found on the university website. The applicants from abroad (except those from the Czech Republic) who wish to study in the official language are required to prove their language competence in the Slovak language (minimum level B1) by passing the test from the Slovak language in a successful way. The language test is taken on the day of the entrance examination and its successful completion is required for the admission. Students from abroad who study in the Slovak language do not have to pay the tuition fee. The applicants from the Czech Republic who want to apply and study at the faculty can use the application form valid in the Czech Republic. For foreign applicants who were accepted on the basis of international agreements or Slovak government grants, terms and conditions stated in respective agreements are applicable.If the applicant wishes to apply for more than one study programme it is satisfactory to indicate their order of preference in one application form submitted whereas only one admission fee payment is required. Applicants have to fill in the form Prihláška na vysokoškolské štúdium 1. stupeň (application for university studies) or they can also use an electronic application form that can be found on the university website (https://vzdelavanie.uniza.sk/prijimacky/index.php) or on the education portal (https:// prihlaskavs.sk/sk/). In case of electronic application form it is necessary to follow instructions as specified in the system of Electronic Application Form.
Enclosures for the bachelor′s degree programs (to be sent with application forms):
- Curriculum Vitae
- Proof of payment of the admission fee
- Certificate of recognition of secondary education from abroad - more information at web page of the Ministry of Education - this certificate is not obligatory for applicants from Ukraine, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Poland and Romania (based on bilateral agreement between governments)